Understanding His will

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV

God didn't free the children of Israel so that they could relax poolside and drink iced tea for the rest of their lives. God set them free so that they could fulfill their mission – to become a "light to the nations" (Isaiah 51:4). Freedom is the right and privilege of every human being on earth, but we must also understand that it comes with responsibility.

Today, with all of our time-saving technology and relative wealth, we are more “free” than ever before. But what are we doing with all this freedom? What are we doing with the time and abilities that modern-day living has afforded us? Like the children of Israel, we have a responsibility to use our freedom appropriately. That means using our means and our energy in order to serve God and contribute to His purposes.

And what are the alternatives?

There are only two: "either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness." Every day we live, we have a choice to do what is right or what is wrong. When we send our young children off to school, we tell them, "Now, sweetheart, you need to know that Mom and Dad won't be there to make your decisions. You will find some kids at school who will encourage you to do what is right, and you'll find others who will lead you to disobey and do what is wrong. Make the right choice. Select your friends carefully. Be smart."

You are God’s own child. He Himself redeemed you from slavery. He does not want the enemy to overcome you. You are secure in your relationship with God. The power within you is greater than the power in your enemy. Give no place to doubt. Take your stand for God in confidence wearing your helmet of salvation.

We often wonder what we've done to deserve our own hardships. Typically, we look for something we've done wrong. But sometimes it's not our own sins that bring us suffering. Sometimes it's our obedience to God in a world running in the opposite direction.

First, our sense of God’s leading can sometimes be influenced by our own desires and thinking. Sometimes we read into situations and circumstances and Scripture passages the guidance we want to hear from God—even though God is not saying that—not because we are resisting God in any way, but just because of our fallen humanness. So we get it wrong. If God redirects our lives, it is because He wants us on the best path, whose end is good and which honors Him the most.

The second thing we need to remember is that God loves us. God is reminding you that when He directs you in a way that you don’t really desire to go in, when your plans are frustrated, you must trust in His love. His ways are full of His life. If you resist God’s will, you will only hurt yourself.

Third, God will show you his will by his Word, the Bible. The better you know your Bible, the better you will know the will of God. It represents the thoughts of God, the ways of God, and shows how God operates. So as you search the Scriptures, God will speak to you.


Raj Kosaraju


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