Bought with a Price

Just imagine. How many things have been bought and sold and bartered in the history of the world?  The number is almost infinite.  But there has never been a purchase like this purchase.  Because there has never been a price like this price.  If you are looking for a motivating reason to devote yourself to God afresh today, this is it.  If you are searching for a reason to get up in the morning and fulfill your Christian responsibilities, let this be your reason.  If you desperately need strength to love, serve, pray, fight, forgive, study, stand, preach, parent, witness, endure, and rejoice, here is gospel strength.  Because perhaps the only redemptive reality more powerful than the fact that you were bought is the height of the price that was paid.

With the exception of Jesus Christ, no person is perfect. Sin is simply a fact of human life. The Lord's payment for our transgressions means that we can look forward to an eternity spent in God's presence instead of getting the punishment we deserve. On this side of heaven, though, we still have to contend with our tendency to do wrong--and we must also deal with the consequences. The Lord's admonition to seek daily forgiveness is a reminder to confess our sins and turn away from them because we are forgiven.

God's grace is not a license to sin; instead, it's a reason to pursue righteousness. Bad attitudes, thoughtless actions, and unkind speech do not fit who we are as children of light. We're new creatures in Christ, bought for a price and set free to live as partakers of His grace.
In a world where values, morals, and laws are always changing, we can find stability and security in our unchanging God. Hebrews 13:8 says God is the same "yesterday, today, and forever." Because God's nature is stable and trustworthy, we are free to follow and enjoy him rather than spend our time trying to figure him out. The God who appeared to Moses is the same God who lives in us today.

It is easy to get someone to talk about God, but try to talk about Jesus, and it is not so easy. People will often talk about "feeling close to God." But mention Jesus, and people start to get uncomfortable. Say that Jesus is the only way to God, and people get downright offended.

But Jesus says that if you accept Him, you accept God; and conversely, if you do not accept Him, you do not accept God. When someone talks about being close to God but wants nothing to do with Jesus, you can be sure he is not yet close to God.

Regardless of anyone's unbelief, here is the simple truth: Jesus is God the Son, and He is the only way God has provided for sinners' reconciliation with Himself.

We live in a fallen world, and odds are, we are going to have tough times over the years. So when the bad times come it doesn’t mean we have to dance around and be happy about it, you just have to remember that these moments won’t last forever. The bad things in our life cannot become what define us, instead, we have to trust God and remember the grace he has shown us. He will help us endure and won’t abandon us to sorrow or despair. So take a moment, whatever your situation, to be joyful. No matter how bad things get, God is with us.  


Raj Kosaraju


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