Why Study the return of the Lord Jesus?

In “The Book of Daniel and the Return of the Lord” Rev. Dr.Jayanand I.Chawhan, has quoted the prophecies which are fulfilled and which yet to be fulfilled till the return of the Lord are made clear and explicit.When I read the book I found it to be a very thoughtful, well defined and all the Biblical prophecies,visions and dreams are revealed through various analogies. I recommend his book with great enthusiasm.

The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus is one of the few great and very important subjects in the Bible.The teaching about the return of the Lord is given 1,845 times in the Bible. Of these only 318 it is mentioned in the New Testament, while it is given in the Old Testament extensively and in various ways.The Lord's return is the main subject of 17 books of the Old Testament.The teaching of an entire epistle in the New Testament is on this subject.On an average seven chapters of every ten in the the New Testament deal with the Return of the Lord.So much importance is given to the Return because it is a great subject.

The Focus of all prophecies in the Bible is the Return of the Lord. Mankind became sinful because of the sin of one man, and the entire creation became subject to futility (Gen 3:17,Rom 8:18-25).The Return of the Lord is necessary to make man sinless and also to put him in a sinless atmosphere. In order to accomplish that purpose and to remove Satan forever, the Return of the Lord is very essential.

21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.

22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time.(Romans 8:21,22)

And this creation will be liberated from the slavery,ye,from the effects of the curse as the return of the Lord.That is why the Lord’s return is essential.


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