A lot can happen over a Cup of Coffee

Let’s create a culture of kindness where acts of generosity and compassion permeate our days. These small acts of kindness are the force that will change the world. How might you contribute to that change in your “world” today?

While most people walk through life asking how they can be blessed, the question we ought to be asking is, “How can I be a blessing to others?” Here’s why: When we bless others, it means that we have so much blessing in our own lives that we can share with others; we can lend and not borrow.

When we bless others, we receive a joy that ironically is even greater than when we are the recipients of blessings from others. Most significantly, when we bless others, we please God, and God blesses us even more in return. We should start every day asking how we might be a blessing today.

Explaining what it means to be a social entrepreneur, Kosaraju said,“Being a social entrepreneur means leveraging business principles and sensibilities to create solutions that combat social issues.”

Advertisers bank on the idea that people really think this is as good as it gets. Modern man engages in ceaseless activity and amusement to distract himself from considering what comes next.  Ethical living – and leading – takes courage and conviction. It means doing the right thing, even when the right thing isn't popular or easy. But when you make decisions based on your core values, then you tell the world that you can't be bought – and you lead your team by example.

Once you identify your company's core values as well as your own, you can start to set the tone with your team and your organization. Actions always speak louder than words, so make sure you do as you would wish others to do.

It's what you do, not what you say, that demonstrates to your team what you care about. So, if your company values honesty above all else, then make sure you demonstrate that by being honest with everyone around you.

"I am passionate about the possibilities that occur when individuals see the world around them differently, and believe they can actually make a difference," he added.

"A lot of people have great vision and ideas but are held back by fear of failure and other people’s opinions. You have to inoculate yourself against those internal and external voices. You have to arrive at a place where you think you have a limited time to make your mark on this world".

Recently I came across three short stories about being a blessing to others. In the first story, a woman recalled finding an anonymous note on her front door that said, “Don’t worry; you were created awesome, not perfect.” This woman was going through a hard time, and these words were just what she needed. Years later, she “paid it forward” by placing encouraging notes on other people’s doors.

In the second story, a man was in the hospital with his sick wife when the person in front of him in line at the cafeteria paid for his meal. When he asked the woman why she did that the woman responded that she wanted to make his first day easier. It gave him the boost he needed to get through the day.

In the third story, a woman decided to anonymously send her new neighbors a pizza lunch wishing them a nice day.

What struck me about all three stories was how easy it is to be a blessing – and also how rewarding it is.

How might you be a blessing to others today? What small act of kindness can brighten someone’s day? When you focus on blessing others, God will concentrate on blessing you.

Just a small thought...

-1 Billion people lack access to clean, safe drinking water

-Right now, almost 1 billion people on this earth do not have access to clean, safe drinking water.

 -The water they do have comes from unprotected sources, and often carries bacteria and diseases such as E. coli, Cholera, and Hepatitis A.

-63 Children die in Uganda each day from lack of clean water

-The small bodies of many children aren’t prepared to deal with the various bacteria, parasites, and diseases in unclean water. Many children die from diarrhea and dehydration.

A Four mile walk for water

In many countries, including Uganda, it is the job of young girls and women to collect water for their families. This often times means walking 4 miles or more to the nearest water source, and returning with a 40lb jerrycan full of water. And not even clean water. In addition to missing school, young girls and women often face the risk of assault while collecting water.

Water is hope

Clean water gives a village hope. Young girls are able to attend school instead of spending hours collecting water. Young boys and girls are no longer too sick or weak to attend school. A better education leads to an opportunity to earn a better living. Clean water is the first step to education, to the economy, and to ending poverty. Clean water is hope.


Three Avocados is a non-profit organization that was founded in February of 2010 as a creative solution to ending the global water crisis and educating children, starting with Uganda. 100% of our net proceeds provide clean water in Uganda and education in Nicaragua, with hopes to expand in the future. We aim to provide coffee lovers with a product that enables them to make a 100% socially responsible choice when purchasing coffee.

How Much of My Purchase Provides Clean Water

The simple answer is that anywhere between $0.50 and $3.00 per bag provides clean water. This amount is dependent upon the retail channel the coffee is purchased through. Purchases made online through our web site provide the most support for clean water.

You too can  make a difference.

Please visit:



Raj Kosaraju


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