They believe the lie

Don’t become discouraged. Despondency says things are hopeless, and life is aimless. Jesus says there is hope beyond suffering and the grave. There is a way out of all difficulties. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6). He will never let you down. He will not forsake you.

No matter how many times you see the hand of God working in your life or experience His provision, it is easy to lose sight of God’s love and faithfulness. If you only focus on your current difficulty or discouragement, you may lose sight of His blessings and promises.

Many times I have found that many people will reject Christ without even knowing what He says. They will reject the Bible without reading it, even saying the Bible is full of contradictions. But when asked what so-called contradictions in the Bible they have a problem with, they can never identify them. That is because they haven't read the Bible. They refuse to believe the truth, and instead they believe the lie.

What is the lie? When it is fully realized in the Tribulation period, the lie is that the Antichrist is God, and people will buy into this. Then God will confirm their choice and "send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" (2 Thessalonians 2:11). Those who turn from the truth of God to the Antichrist and refuse God's answer of salvation will be turned over to their own self-willed choice.

C.H. Spurgeon wrote, "If all else forsook him, Jesus was company enough. If all others despised him, the smile of Jesus was approval enough. If the good cause seemed to be in danger, in the presence of his Master, victory was sure. The Lord who had stood for him at the cross now stood for him in the prison. It was a dungeon, but the Lord was there; It was dark, but the glory of the Lord lit it up with Heaven's own splendor."

God has given us a free will. He will not force us to believe something we don't want to believe. He will come to us and seek to convince us of the truth of the Scripture. The Holy Spirit will work on our hearts. But we have the ability to resist Him.

Understand God's will:

Often times in our lives, when we can’t do what we want or get what we want, we blame our material situation. We get angry that we don’t have enough money, or frustrated that our car broke down. We blame the weather, our appearance, our house, you name it! But it’s never really the material objects that are in our way. There is something that we can’t see – an angel of some sort – blocking our way, for reasons known only to God.

The material part of our life has served us well, and we need to be extremely grateful for it all. If something is blocking us, it’s because God has decided that we shouldn’t go somewhere or do something – and it’s always for our very best. In Hebrew, the word for “angel” also means “messenger.” When the material things in our lives don’t work as we would wish, it’s because they are being blocked by an angel, a messenger from God.

For example, Pharaoh hardened his heart, even when miracle after miracle was performed by the hand of God through Moses and Aaron. But then we read, "The Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh . . . " (Exodus 9:12). Isn't that a contradiction? No, it is a progression. Initially Pharaoh did harden his heart. He hardened it again and again. And then God hardened, or strengthened, it.

If you feel that the frenzy of the world is consuming you, remember that you have a Savior who loves you and who will fight for you. Don’t become worried and anxious. Jesus is near to you. He has promised never to leave you, no matter how dark life seems to be. Don’t let sorrows and suffering take joy from you. Jesus has a place for you with your name written over it. “In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you” (John 14:2).

God brings us through the wastelands of our live sin the same way. He will not allow us to be tested beyond our strength and endurance. Trust in God's mercy and love, and He will bring you through any situation.


Raj Kosaraju


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