Follow Him

Life can bring us some bad situations. We can feel cheated, as Esau did, but we don't have to remain bitter.It is okay to feel discouragement. It is part of the process of grieving and working through those times of pain. We can remove bitterness from our lives by honestly expressing our feelings to God, forgiving those who have wronged us, and being content with what we have. Who do you need to forgive? What glorious reunion could be in store?

Most things in life are similar to a roller coaster ride. No matter how bad they are, they come to an end and things get back to normal. God never tests us beyond our level of endurance. He is faithful to see us through hardship and to bless us richly when our trial is through. The night times of our life may seem dismal and black, but there is always a glorious morning on the rise.

But God wants each of us to allow Him to walk with us in these places. If you find yourself in one of these places, do what David did. Ask God to show you the way and let Him bring the word of His unfailing love to you. 

Our thinking about who we are as Christians should not begin with what we can discover about ourselves by self-analysis. Rather, it begins with what God says about those who trust in Christ. That's exactly how we're called to live, yet we lack the motivation, determination, and power to do so in our own strength. For this reason, we need to rely on the Holy Spirit within us. If we yield our lives to Him and step out in obedience to His promptings, we'll have the strength to say no when fleshly desires feel overpowering (Gal. 5:16).

Someone has well said that nature forms us, sin deforms us, the penitentiary reforms us, education informs us, the world conforms us, but only Jesus transforms us.

A lot of times your mind is going to say, “Well, that’s old fashioned,” or “That doesn’t make sense.” Never come to the Bible that way. Never parade the Bible across the judgment bar of your reason. Whatever He says to you, do it.

That's exactly how we're called to live, yet we lack the motivation, determination, and power to do so in our own strength. For this reason, we need to rely on the Holy Spirit within us. But it's your choice, never God's! He says, '...I will never leave you, nor forsake you' (Hebrews 13:5 NKJV). Whatever your circumstances, He remains faithful. 'When you pass through the waters...the fire...I am with you...' (Isaiah 43:2-5 NIV). 

What's God's part? 'He will come near to you.' Take one step in His direction and He will close the gap, embrace, secure, and enable you ' stand against the wiles of the devil' (Ephesians 6:11 NKJV).


Raj Kosaraju 



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