Why Me….. Why Now

Monty Montgomery’s Testimony for the Lord’s glory.-

“Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. A thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.” Psalm 90:2,4 NIV

I was born as Montgomery in a Roman Catholic family to an Indian Army Major Late Mr. Manickam and my mother C Ruckmani  a government school teacher. I was their eldest son with two younger brothers.

My Teens:

After my blessed schooling due to palatial poverty I started working young turning tides as a school drop out to support my family as a courier boy with DHL Worldwide Express packing myself as an overnight bag. I was walking through fire with a smile on my lips..

I developed a habit of asking myself  ‘will Jesus do this what I do now ‘is my common phrase I used in my daily encounters especially when I was tempted and tried ,indeed this helped me avoid many  traps of straying situations and my fences, through good books from the sidewalks of  choosey corners helped my mind from being  a tramp ...

Even during my valley experiences.. when felt unwanted and unloved, when lavishing on a loaf of bread for five in my home, when  sky-watching from a leaky roof, when i felt hopeless, worn out without a shoulder clap, when neglected ,when rejected, and when treated like a dust...

All I saw was the calm face of Jesus who was dragged by tongue and by the whip and  when he was  spat on His face and  when abused physically  My Friend  did not lose His cool,

I too was trying to imitate at my every single hurt and pain…’’Jesus did it, I will do it now’’ and say Father, forgive them...I looked crazy, ,inside the naming and blaming circles like a fool, coward, Socrates, crack-pot. I don’t cry tears when they come I just look up to the sky with a pen in hand…I felt always reconnected with the supreme..As what Osho said ‘’ if you are scientist call him X , if you are saint call Him God..

My Youth- a wonder and not a blunder:

I found most people are too churchy. They were very near to churches and far away from what they teach in churches.

I enjoyed my teens living out of my comfort zones on Sundays and outside of myself at every possible opportunity  with a tool kit ..nail-cutters and saving kits, balms, biscuits and buns. I visit homes and hospitals.

Mother Theresa was a good influence. Love in action is service. Watched sister Shamin clean the wounds. She says always to me, Joe, you clean the wounds of Jesus.. No frowning. But all smiles.

During one of the visits to an Ayurveda hospital I was observed by a middle aged lady who volunteered talking with me when I usually visit poor- patient wards in Danwandi Temple under AVP Care and after knowing each other she informed that her father is the President of India His Excellency Late Shri R Venkataraman.
An excellent human being was also a great President: His Excellency Late Shri R Venkatraman was an active soul who was well read and led a life in simplicity which I could see the imprints on his family members when I became close to them for more than 20 years .I didn’t know by then I am a student in Our Lord’s Joseph School.  Lord gave me boldness to enter the holiest through Christ Jesus,


One of a very fruitful encounter where Lord impacted His resurrection power to a fragile frame of 96 years old when he was in his house in Safdarjung Road, New Delhi..

I waited for this opportunity for long years when the family called me to pray for the President and during the prayers his teardrops fell on my hand when I had him on my bosom.

President and I spoke about the goodness of the Lord and how the President is special to Him in many a ways and informed him the Way. We shared cares and concerns and I was surprised the president knew about the Lord and the records in the Indian context  as described in the Rig Veda. We indeed had a remarkable time where the Spirit of Lord led me through my vocal-cord when he discussed deep subjects regarding Salvation with clarity, focus and with much maturity and humane touch . I then prayed with one of the Sisters and Mrs Janaki Venkataraman, his wife for the healings. And even till now, I  continue to pray for the good family God has given me with His grace.

I had also invited few good friends like Raj Kosaraju, Laxmi Iyengar to meet His Excellency President Ramaswamy Venkataraman. He was one of the best Presidents India ever had. A true nationalist a firm believer in secularism, democracy and Gandhian principle of non-violence, a reputed legal luminary, an eminent trade union leader, a renowned economist, a distinguished Parliamentarian and above all, a humanitarian to the core, Shri Ramaswamy Venkataraman-the eighth President of the Republic of India-has attained the pinnacle of glory as the head of the largest democracy in the world, neither by luck nor by chance, but by sheer force of his personality, dedication, devoijon and commitment. He uniquely combines in him some outstanding traits-unassuming simplicity, transparent sincerity and honesty of purpose, which endears him to one and all.

Take unnecessary pressure off yourself by remembering these key concepts of evangelism: Evangelism is a team effort, so you're just one of several or perhaps many people who God will use to move someone closer to faith. Hanging out with non-Christians is essential; you can't influence people toward faith if you're not involved with unbelievers. You don't "do" evangelism; God does. It's God's job to actually draw people to Himself. Your job is simply to lift God up before other people. God will use you the way He made you. The more you get in touch with your uniqueness, the more effective you'll be sharing your faith and doing whatever else God calls you to do. Satan does the opposite of what God does, so be aware that he'll try to discourage you and render your evangelism ineffective. Learn how to resist evil so your evangelistic efforts will be successful.

When God calls someone He always calls others to stand with them. So start looking around you. You may need just one person or you may need many. Indeed, the greater your dream, the greater your team must be. But here's the good news: the size of your dream determines the size of the people who will be attracted to it. If you have a big dream, you have even greater potential for good people to help you. What you need to do is connect with them, invite them in, transfer the vision and then turn them loose.

Had I not endured the pit experiences I wouldn’t had a place to be with the people in high places to proclaim the good news that Jesus is the Gospel of God. Yes, God chooses leaders who are chosen to rule and reign.

I strongly handhold with the one and only VIP in both heaven and earth.. The Holy Spirit.

Manhood a struggle:

Near Death Experience: Lord was depositing His Grace by brewing me and He called Esther to raise as a family in 1995.with me.

Will a wind leave a leaf to rest…

In 1997 on a highway after my return from a SOS on Christmas Eve made me physically handicapped walking with crutches. Leading Ortho Doctors gave up hope on my right leg and I suggested please….please  ampute..bed pan is sickening, Let  people envy me and not look me with a pitiable eye..,

I cried and called my Lord ‘”’even if my legs go. I know you will give wings to fly..”’

Amidst 5000 people in a retreat the Lord healed me in July 1998 , I saw the Spirit of Lord like a ball of fire descending on me and I felt instantly healed and walking as His testimony for Him till the very second without any pain, as normal as I had been.

But in reality, the journey of faith that God requires us to take through this life can lead up steep, emotional mountain grades; out across vast, lonely plains; and, without warning, down into dark valleys, where we face some of our greatest challenges.

Through it all, however, we can have a tremendous sense of hope and determination because our faith is founded in an unshakable God who is not frustrated by the rise and fall of the world’s economy. Nor is He alarmed by daily news reports or changed in any way by the shifting of governmental powers.

He is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) He is faithful and true, and we can be sure of this: God is just as concerned about your needs as He is about the nations of this world. No request is too small for Him and no problem too great for Him to solve.

When we are tempted to feel hopeless, He comes to us as our strong and mighty advocate, proclaiming His care and plan for our lives. (1 John 2:1)

Our Lord is the specialist of impossibilities...Lord you give me strength and increased my power and I ran weary and never was tired and I walked and did not faint.

Cradle-Grave Experience:

In 1997 my wife Esther had conceived and during Christmas I had my accident. Situation was quite serious. Confined to bed for a few months and when doctors ultimately gave up on me ,we felt not to have the child . On a mutual consent my wife consumed 36 abortion tablets to prevent the child from being born but the Lord had different plans. The pregnancy grew and finally we decided to accept the child however born.

We were physically, mentally, emotionally down, backs pushed to the wall.

I was declared a handicap and our child so displaced through gynecologist scanning at the prime age of 31 with my daughter Bless  Montgomery 1 ½ years old.

We  prayed”’  Lord ,give us strength to overcome this phase of pain, You are good all the time. You suffered pain and hurts and replaced them as landscapes of grace for me and my family...

We admitted Esther before time  and doctors took a scan, said she could save only my wife and said her positioning too is critical and prepared her for a surgery. Suddenly the nurses screamed and we saw her pulses too were lowering, she had no pain but breaking fluids, a real battle which are not on maps  or battle fields but  I  and Esther didn’t give up on  our  Lord.

The gynecologist warned us that it is difficult to do a procedure as she is quite critical .There  are times ,..we don’t know what to do when things are beyond our control but just look up to the sky to get reinforced that the Lord and His army are watching....

When our parents and friends were too in tears and looking helpless without hope giving a vacant look at Esther. I saw my mother’s student sister Puspakka near the door…My mind thought, ‘’ oh ,this sister, my Lord she will pray for long not knowing the situation, I was apprehensive. She looked and smiled and said Bro, Monty, I  will pray in less than a minute..

OMG, she was able to read my mind. I fell down on my knees..

She walked to Esther and tapped her body,’’ Esther, by 3pm you will have Daniel born. ’The Gyenic was furious and shouted at her to be removed immediately and literally the staff nurses threw  this sister out of the preparatory room .

Sister Puspakka came back and said  touching Esther, “Child say praises. By 3 pm sharp you will have a boy baby born and kept her hand on the dying Esther. In less than 10 seconds she rose up like a spring and staggered inside the labor room and we were stopped by the gate. Sister Puspa said Bro, Monty buy sweets and be ready.

I consulted my watch and with others too saw the time which was exactly at 2.50 pm.

Exactly by 3pm sharp my son Austen came and fell out, normal delivery. The doctor called  me and asked how does this woman know it is a boy, I am unable to determine sex and all the complications, In my 49 years of service as a Gynecologist I have not seen one such case against nature and medical records.

How can we betray our Lord, who is faithful in our lives, a ready help at trouble times. Praise the Lord!.


Act of Faith: It’s impossible to please God without Faith :

During this time I by His grace handled India’s No 1 Logistics Company SAFEXPRESS reporting to the board and as a result oriented individual and a pink eyed boy to the CMD, I had favor in company’s eyes.

 Due to my definite uncompromised values as a believer I was unable to Dutch and dilute me for position and money. When it came to my faithfulness is it My Boss who made the heaven and earth or my work- paying boss , how can I grieve my Lord who is ever faithful to me and my family, I sent my resignation while I was in Delhi  and came back to my home ,waited for HIM and His will.

Holding a Bible in hand and praying everytime defined for many amid my friends and family I was budding as a pastor. Almost all counseled me that I m young with two kids and not wise to be full-time pastor.’ What do you do for your living..?1 John 5:14..courage in His presence and ask as per His will, just  I align in His LOC..

But I was asking Lord’’, Abraham being a friend of you I am too and as his cattle and men was worked for him, Lord let my men and machine work for me, no more pay-cheque to pay cheque, no more good morning and good evening...’’  I waited and He sent me His word. “In Due Time.”. Almost few months passed; there is strength in stillness, in my complete surrender and my complete dependency on Him I had His interface. “Leave your father’s house...

Very next day I had a call from one of a leading courier company’s chairman’s office in Mumbai that their CMD was keen to meet me. I met him assuring that I will not work for him and he said of his issues and wanted me  to help him tide over some bottlenecks .We  contracted and asked my last drawn salary and he signed a cheque for 6 months  in advance, before I stepped out to work and asked me my location of operation will be Chennai..

I excused me and went to the restroom, knelt ,wept for His faithfulness and praised Lord. For I knew I was operating on His favor and not on my labor. Praise the Lord.

I came to Chennai, finished in work in three months ,saw a new house for tenancy and paid advance for the house  and planned to shift my family from my hometown, Coimbatore on 5th June 2005.By evening at 8 pm the Lord asked me to speak to the landlady in Chennai. When I called her, she said she is not interested to give the house to me, I was surprised and said to her that we will discuss tomorrow in Chennai as I will be leaving in a couple of hours from Coimbatore.
She finally said: Brother the day you came which was about 20 days ago and paid the house advance I received it but however I couldn't sleep that day. I think it was a mistake to have accepted your offer. I again had the same feeling today and I am  troubled to give my house to you for rent. You will come and stay here downstairs and we will be staying upstairs .
I have good Christian friends but I 'm  constantly reminded if I give this house to you ‘’my whole family will become Christian’ ’I feel strongly in my spirit ‘’ she said.  She said she will send the advance cheque back and hung the phone.

My family suggested to take my wife and kids {my daughter who was then aged 9 years and my son aged 6 years} and go find another house and take them with you to Chennai which is a overnight journey from my hometown.

There were days when I  made my own decisions with my own self;  yet obey God’s will and after tasting that the Lord is good all the time, I knew His plans are always the finest and the best for me so I allowed Him to handhold me in His decision makings of our togetherness.

Esther and me just told our family  that we will pray and decide, we went to our closet and asked the Lord  “what’s happening, you wanted me to leave my fathers’ house and you showed me a place in Chennai and when we prepared to leave to Chennai, what’s this ,the lady who gave the house 20 days back ,denied  me her house at this last minute..

Dad, in obedience I'm leaving, with my family. It’s your problem to find and prepare a house for me and I know you have all capacity to keep up your word..
We stood up from our prayers and the very  minute a call came from one of our  well-wisher who said there is a single bedroom  house vacant on a prime locality which belongs to an IAS officer and If you want me to go and find out, I will be happy to do so.

I spoke to the aged gentleman Mr. Jaysingh Peter who said may be for this house a lot of people inquired and saw, I really don't know if the house is already been given off, anyway do come and see.

Esther and me informed our mothers and friends and said ,we leave now, our train cheran express is around 10.30 pm and sent the package and mover van to the destination in Chennai

Our family was terribly upset and said you will be left stranded in Chennai and will cry to us for help.

We had tasted its impossible to please God without faith and we didn’t have an into of doubt, we sang and slept peacefully,,..you know why, our Dad is a promise-keeper and He is used to wake all night for us, so watchful,so faithful ,so sincere, so merciful,,,

Next day 6th June 2005 we met the Landlord Mr. Peter who said before we spoke I feel in my spirit to give my house to you and if you could adjust for 3 more months I will vacate the (Scripture Union) who was also their tenant and will give you the 2000 sq feet house for you. We were moved in tears and he said ,don’t worry I give this house for you ,go to your native and bring your luggage, I said ,Sir, our Truck is standing outside..Finally we now live in this finest house  under the smile of the family of Peters’

I’m moving to tears in joy ,How can I repay you Lord for all you have done for me, You came to me when all left me during my deepest need. You chose us, prepared us as both kings and high priest in the market place .. ,

Dada..you are keeping me  and my family as the apple of your eyes, guarding and protecting us as our refuge, strong tower, our ready help, our safety you are ,our heart-beat ..

May every cell of my family -being labor for you especially during this time ,when in my country 40000 people die forever every day without knowing you Dad. I thirst to run a righteous race with endurance till the end and in this relay.

Help me  to finish my race like you and Paul..Praise the Lord

Market Place Ministry:

 In Aug 2005  in  this land of milk and honey, Chennai ,I used to tenaciously invite friends and acquaintances to the Coffee-Day at Landon’s road and share my vision to commence a Logistics Company Metroxpress and have national space and into Asia Pacific and then into the global platform.

Amid derision and distrust, I know always my supplier is a rich king to this rich kid.  Sold and invested my two houses I owned as seed capital..to be filled exceedingly to be empty again…

He said ..’In Due Time’. Being still waiting to renew an experience , Knowing God and His resurrection power keeps me and my family -nest in Him during my high and low..

I kept a Management sticker ‘’ when there is no wind, row ‘’ from my DHL times. .Esther felt her in her spirit to remove this and said. How long do you want to row again with your strength, will you please take off this sticker from our home-office..

we prayed and we know fresh favors started reaching us in our business  and as like Jibes. He extends my boundaries not only in India but also now in Asia and Middle East especially in Qatar.

Wine of life my wife Esther or our wives are like Sara to Abraham who, knew father and son’s journey to Mount Mouria, kept her cool in faith like him. Yes before I point at her imperfections I look within me and settle down in prayers as our Lord is attracted to our weakness and not to our strengths.

 We need to preserve  our souls ...enemy operates mostly at two places more than churches :1) market place 2) homes.

God is mobilizing His workplace believers around the world to be the vessels who will bring the good news to these peoples. Countries welcome commerce, and in most cases this represents the only way to bring the gospel to these nations. Workplace believers are often viewed as those who have corrupt morals.

This class of workplace believer has a pioneer spirit that is seeking ways of penetrating strongholds of spiritual darkness in these countries. They see the risks, but they see the awesomeness of God that enables them to accomplish something for His Kingdom by using their resources and talents.

May all Glory be to Lord and we may fail, do fail continually in our desired areas but he never fails .Prayer indeed affect him and shall we reproduce the life of Christ in others.

This world will make us tour on a million stairways running a race in this global bubble burst.

Whether one is powerful or insignificant we need to find stillness in life noises,

We need to create silence within and be sensitive to the spirit of God. Truth demands silence before it will raise its voices.

If we live in this new covenant In Christ we can’t ignore Truth and go just for experiences and stay happily being blessed.

It’s time we need to move forward as a Blessing and it’s time for us to get Him constantly involved in our daily work

Firstly we should be unashamed to declare Him as Lord Christ Jesus the Savior of the World and just not commonly address as God to everyone.

This Truth never goes out of fashion, it’s an update as the earth when the sun comes up.

Man should not be reduced to a religion but must grow in the largeness as our Creator who don’t close His office, ever available 24/7 with direct access with Him through Christ our wonderful counselor.

When we search our heart how many of us have burden outside the church and are moving outside our comfort zones.

A believers highest call is to reproduce the life of Christ in others… And His Love does no wrong to anyone..

We need to drop all defenses. When we are totally defenseless that is when we become completely strong.

Lord. You didn’t deal me as I deserved but by your Grace, you have forgiven all my sins, healed all my wounds, protected me and my family  from all evil, never put me in shame, placed me amid princes and kings ..

When I came to you as how I was, with all my weakness, I found you were attracted to my weakness and made me strong.

I found no safety anywhere in this world but in you my Lord Jesus Christ... Amen and all Glory be to Lord.

Has God called you to be such a vessel? Has He called you to be a catalyst in some way?

Ask your heavenly Father if He might want you to affect nations for Him .Be a nation preserver.


Monty Montgomery


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